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Ireland, or more specifically, the counties of Cork and Kerry in the south of the country, was selected as the organizer of European Championship 2009. The centre for all the events was picturesque Killarney surrounded by wonderful mountains. The main game fish would be wild trout from two large lakes each divided into two sectors and from the Blackwater River.
The following competitors were nominated for the Championship to represent the Czech Republic: Pavel Chyba, Roman Jörka, Vladimír Sedivý, Filip Apjar and Igor Slavík; the non-fishing captain was the state coach Tomas Starychfojtu and I was the team manager. Following our preparations, we departed on Monday 14 September. For such an important competition, it was better to arrive earlier for the practice camp although this year’s Czech competition calendar did not allow this. There were league competitions held the weekend before departure so our team was in a hurry.
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When we started to prepare the Youth World Fly Fishing Championship 2009 in Chotebor, we were afraid if there is enough water in rivers. Therefore two venues were selected on the river Chrudimka - downstream of reservoirs, another one on the Svratka River - downstream of the water reservoir Vyr and a bouldered part of the S zava in Stvoridla. The choice of the last fifth venue was not easy at all, because we wanted to organize it on waters of the organizing Fishing club in Chotebor.
Weiterlesen: What was the youth world championship 2009 like?
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This year’s organizer of the World Fly Fishing Championship was Scotland and the organizers have chosen the area of Central Scottish Highlands in the South East part of the Trossachs National Park in the area of the local largest lake - Loch Lomond. The Czech team was a bit different after last year’s world championship in New Zealand, especially, with respect to the end of the competition career of Pavel Machan and Tomas Starychfojtu and also after 15 years Jiri Klima finished on the position of the captain of our national team. He was substituted by Tomas Starýchfojtů. Our team had the following members then: Martin Droz, Antonin Pesek, Tomas Adam, Jaromír Sram, new team member Lubos Roza and I was the team manager.
Weiterlesen: "Lake" world championship 2009 Scotland – Drymen
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Within the jubilee 30th Congress of the International Anglers Organization CIPS, which took place from 16th – 19th April in Dresden, Germany, also the General Assembly of member states of the International Fly Fishing Federation FIPS-Mou was organized. This meeting, which was organized on Friday 17th April from 10 – 13 o’clock and I took part in it together with Martin Musil, who is now the new Chairman of the sport fly fishing department. With respect to the fact that during last Christmas Mr. James Fergusson resigned from the position of the of FIPS-Mou President due to health problems, this Dresden’s meeting was managed by the deputy President Paul Vekemans from Belgium.
Weiterlesen: What has brought the general assembly of the international fly fishing federation?
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On Monday, 28th July 2008, the Czech junior national team met in the airport Prague-Ruzyně to go in the direction of Portugal, where the VII Youth World Championship took place. This year, our team was completely changed and rejuvenated. Filip Lukáš, Jindra Kalivoda and Míra Bonešický were appointed to the team according to the ranking from 2007 and the remaining two positions were secured by Štěpánka Marková and Jakub Krpec during the spring West Bohemia Junior Cup. Milan Janus was the team captain and I was appointed to the position of the team manager. After the arrival in Lisbon, we picked up our Volkswagen Transporter and set out for two hundred kilometre distant town of Tábua, where our training centre was located. We had accommodation in the same hotel as our Gold senior national team in 2006.
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THE venues for the 28th FIPS Mouche World Flyfishing Championships in New Zealand were three rivers - the Whanganui, the Waihou and the Waimakariri, as well as Lakes Otamangakau; known as the Big "O" and Rotoaira.
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This year´s European Fly Fishing Championship took place in Spain in the area of Cantabria. I took part in this Championship as a Captain of the Czech team together with Jaromír Šram (Jája), Filip Apjar, Víťa Pavlacký (Keňa) and Roman Jorka. Then there were two of our individuals more – Milan Čubík and Luboš Roza. However, one month before the start of the Championship it was not clear, whether it will take place or not. The original term of filing the applications was moved by 2 weeks and therefore we were unsure.
Weiterlesen: XIV. european fly fishing championship – Spain 2008
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New Zealand, a very distant and very interesting country, was chosen for this year's world championship in fly-fishing. For all of us the championship started long before the departure itself as we needed to find out as much as possible about fishing in these geographical locations. The championship took place from 22nd to 30th March in the city of Rotorua on North Island from where we set out for moreless distant trails. For competition sections lakes Rotoraira and Otamangakau were chosen where the fishing was held from drifting boats, and also three rivers: the Whanganui river, the Waihou stream and the Waimakariri river.
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The XXVIIth World Championship in flyfishing took place this time in the Finnish part of Lapland between 13th – 19th June under participation of competitors from 23 countries. Czech national team was defending last year´s success from Portugal, where the Czechs won the gold in teams and gold and bronze individual medals. This year´s Czech team consisted of Antonín Pešek, Martin Drož, Tomáš Starýchfojtů, Jaromír (Jája) Šram and a new member Tomáš Adam, captain was Jiří Klíma and team manager Martin Musil.
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