What To Do When … you want an autumn grayling Part 2
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Source: Trout Fisherman NOV 25 – DEC 22, 2010 pp. 19-21
By Paul Procter Pictures: Rod Calbrade
AS winter takes hold, the state of our rivers will drastically change. Be it raging floods, freezing temperatures or a combination of both, these extremes send grayling to more comfortable parts of a river, usually close to the streambed in deeper runs and pools. Given this, to stay in touch with them, nymph tactics will be at the forefront.
On occasions a flurry of olives or midges will bring fish to the surface, even on the coldest of days. But, generally, bugs and nymphs like caseless caddis, cased caddis, shrimps and stonefty nymphs provide grayling with winter sustenance.
Leer más: What To Do When … you want an autumn grayling Part 2
Dubbing masters
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(Source: Trout Fisherman NOV 25 – DEC 22, 2010 pp. 96)
Robbie Winramgets tying with the latest dubbing blends from the Czech experts...
THE Czechs are masters of nymph fishing tactics, and as you would expect this expertise rolls over into their fly-tying as well. After all, what's the good of perfecting the technique if the flies don't match up to the job.
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