(by Jiří Pejchar)

On Friday 26 April in the afternoon, the FIPS-Mouche Congress took place in Lisbon. I was there as the delegate for the Czech Republic and my task was to defend opinions of my country to the proposed changes of the competition rules. The General Assembly was as follows:

  1. The Assembly was opened by the FIPS-Mouche President Paul Vekemans (Belgium).
  2. According to the presentation, there were 23 representatives of member states and the congress achieved the necessary quorum.
  3. Paul Vekemans shortly summarized last year´s Assembly in Melilla, Spain.
  4. The agenda was approved.
  5. Vice-president Mário Podmanik (Slovakia) presented financial report of the FIPS-Mouche for the years 2011 and 2012.
  6. New countries applying for the membership in FIPS-Mouche were introduced. Applications were submitted by Chile, Mongolia, Latvia and India. First three states were accepted, except India as they did not submit any documents related to the status of their federation.
  7. Discussion related to competition rules was very long, and in my opinion, it was successful for the Czech Republic from about 50%. I will mention only the most important points according to the numbering of individual provisions of international rules:

    2.3       A new category was set up - Masters (over 50 years of age)

    9.7       During the bank competition (river, lake), the competitors may wade in their section. The competitors must always be in touch with the bank or bottom of the lake or river. Swimming is not allowed.

    15.5     During the boat competition, the team captain must not communicate with his/her competitor.

    20.3     The controller must not enter water during competition.

    20.9     International judges for competitors of the organizing country are nominated by FIPS-Mouche Presidential Board.

    26.1     The proposal to restrict AFTM fly fishing lines from No. 3 (and higher) was rejected. The competitor may use any kind of factory-manufactured lines, except those with the lead core.

    26.4     No extra element which could work as a weight or a carrier may be added to the fly fishing line. If the line and the leader are connected with a braided connector, this must not be longer than 10 cm.

    27.1     Only simple monofilament leader of the maximum length equal to two lengths of the rod used may be used.

    27.2     The leader may be knotted and must be tapered or must have the same thickness. The distance between knots on the leader must not be shorter than 30 cm.

    27.3     No element which could be used as a weight or as a carrier may be used on the leader.

    28.5     If the competitor uses more than one fly on the leader, the length of the fly´s hook must not be longer than 20mm. The fly on such a hook cannot be of a bigger diameter than 5 mm. If the hook of the only fly is longer than 20 mm, then the maximum diameter of the fly must not exceed 3 mm. If the competitor is fishing with only one fly, the hook must not be longer than 40 mm


    Controllers must not use any communication devices during the competition. These may be used only in the case, when they are asked by the competitors to solve competition rules related problem or for safety reasons.

  8. Changes in FIPS-Mouche Statutes were negotiated.
  9. Elections of FIPS-Mouche Presidential Board.

    Paul Vekemans was re-elected as a FIPS-Mouche President. Mario Podmanik was elected as the first Vice-president. There were two candidates for the second Vice-president - Borut Jerše (Slovenia) and Jiří Pejchar (Czech Republic). In the secret vote, Borut Jerše won 11 : 8 and he became the second Vice-president. Ilka Pirrinen from Finland was elected as a new FIPS-Mouche Secretary General.

  10. Organizing countries for championships 2014 - 2016 were approved:

    Seniors 2014 – Czech Republic
    2015 – Bosnia and Herzegovina
    2016 – USA (Colorado)
    Youth 2014 – Poland
    2015 – USA (Colorado)
    2016 – Spain
    Masters 2014 – Chile

    At the end, the Congress cancelled the rest of the penalty for Martin Musil (Czech Republic), for his criticism of the FIPS-Mou Presidential Board in Italy and allowed him to participate in all FIPS-Mou events already this season. Approved changes to the competition rules are valid for competitions organized by FIPS-Mou from this year.