C.I.P.S. Confédération Internationale de la Peche Sportive
Milano, 10th of Novembre 2004
You are invited to assist at the 27th CIPS Congress of the International Federations FIPS, which takes place from 12th until 15th of May 2005 in Palermo (Sicilia, Italy) at the hotel SARACEN.
The Agenda of this Assembly for elections will be transmited to you by a next mail.
The price per participant which includes the translation, the banquet, the full board in single room for 3 nights is €580. The price per person in double room, full board for 3 nights is €535.
For all other complementary information, you can contact the CIPS general secretary, M. Marco CRIPPA, Viale Abruzzi, 79 - 20131 Milano (Italy), Tel.: 0039 02 2043952 (Miss Carolina), Fax.: 0039 02 2046863, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Looking forward, Mr. President,
Yours sincerely
M. Francesco Colucci (President CIPS)